Part of the office is separated off for the use of the manager. 办公室的一部分隔开来供经理使用。
If the block shareholder is separated from the manager and the corporate governance structure is perfect, the value created by the manager will be shared among all shareholders so that the minority shareholders 'rights and interests will be protected. 如果控股股东与经营者相分离,公司治理结构是清晰的,那么经营者所创造的公司价值将为所有股东所共享,小股东的权益将会是有保障的。
In the structure of legal person administration of modern enterprises, ownership is separated from managerial authority, under the premise of which crisis management increases because the investor of the enterprise is the trustor and the manager at the same time& information asymmetry of both agencies. 在现代企业的法人治理结构中,在所有权与经营权相分离的前提下,由于企业的投资者作为委托方与企业的经营者&代理方双方信息的非对称,将导致经营风险的增加。
Executive Stock Option ( ESO), existing in the cases of the owner separated from the manager in modern enterprises, is a salary rule which impel managers and employees to work hard for the long period development of company. 股票期权激励制度,是现代企业中所有权与经营权分离的情况下激励经营者及员工为公司长期发展努力工作的一种薪酬制度。